“There is something supernatural that comes from the Heavenly Father, from where HE sees HIS people in unity and agreement!
It comes from a realm of the Spirit that we do not yet know, because HE pours it out from a higher sphere (cf. Psalm 133)!
It is the anointing that breaks the yoke (cf. Isaiah 10:27b-c)!
There is a power from the sphere of the Heavenly Father that breaks the burden of the oppressor on earth among HIS people because of the presence of apostolic alignment, in order to contribute relief in the future!
Give HIM the measure of agreement so that the power of redemption can become active in your life in a new way, says the spirit of the prophet (cf. Matthew 18:20)!
There is the transition into the realm of transformation that leads to something greater that was unknown before! It is the presence of the quality of joy and love that has come to a completion to unfold in a new way! This is accompanied by a great refreshing due to the presence of the Spirit of Prophecy!
This is the impact of prophetic instruction working together with your God-ordained boundary (cf. John 2:3.7-11 i.c.w. Revelation 19:10e)!
There is an instruction of salvation because a bitter circumstance calls for help!
It is a statement of ‘bitterness’ in the sphere of first love that activates the testimony of Jesus in a way that speaks: “You have come to an end; but it is not yet the end because I am about to fill the empty space within you with the voice of MY Spirit so that you understand what MY will is for you! I have set boundaries for you that encompass the scope of your quality!
I AM bringing you to your limits of quality to reveal to you what it means to receive a full shaken measure (cf. Luke 6:38)!
The voice that is within you will change in quality so that you enter into a new state of joy and love!
I AM in the process of setting up again that which currently appears broken (cf. Isaiah 42:3)!
There is the realm of the ‘Tzadikim – of the righteous, of the upright’ with whom I AM about to write because the time of their brokenness is turning into the time of uprightness!”
There is the triumphant reserve working from the ‘womb’ of servanthood (cf. Acts 20:35)!
Your land of promise demands your steps to deposit oil there and bringing relief as well as a certain kind of respiring (cf. Genesis 5:29 i.c.w. Acts 3:19)! It is about curses that are being broken in the respective territories, says the spirit of the prophet!
The LORD says: “I long for the steps of the anointed ones to leave a certain portion of anointing and break the curse!”
The movement of your presence will be active there because the ANOINTED ONE lives in you (cf. Colossians 1:27)!
There is a cooperation between sonship and the tribe that requires that you let go of the past! It is no longer about the life you have lived, but about a completely new life!
It’s about the new wineskin and childlike faith, says the spirit of the prophet!
The LORD says: “Bring ME some childlike faith into MY house! I want to see some childlike faith (cf. Matthew 18:3)! For where I see childlike faith, the prophets will prophesy according to their measure of faith (cf. Romans 12:6)!
I will reveal MY face greatly!
They are looking to a great power, but I work from a realm of brokenness!
There is a time and a phase of intimacy with ME that you have already gone through!
And I will continue to lead you in alignment with this!
I am currently bringing you into confrontation with sacrifice!
I demand sacrifice from you, and where I see the sacrifice, I will pour out MY Spirit!
Stay close to ME, just as I am in HIM and HE is in ME (cf. John 17:20-23)!
I am the temple (cf. Revelation 21:22)!
Remain in the temple, just as you are a temple of the Holy Spirit (cf. 1 Corinthians 3:16)!
Cultivate the presence of the holy!
I will reveal the power that I have given you! It is not that I show you the power first! I am here to encourage you!”
The LORD is here to encourage us! HE starts with great things, but then HE goes deep!
It looks like you are in the crown of the tree, but suddenly you are in the root of the whole tree! It is the root that carries (cf. Romans 11:18)!
It is about understanding the love of God in its height and depth (cf. Ephesians 3:18-19)!
HE has higher thoughts than we have! HE has higher ways than we have, says the spirit of the prophet (cf. Isaiah 55:8-9)!
And where I see wisdom in action, I will begin to let revelation flow in!
Where the Spirit of wisdom is, the Spirit of revelation will follow shortly afterwards (cf. Luke 2:25.36a i.c.w. Ephesians 1:17)!
I AM about to enlighten the eyes of the hearts of MY people!
I will reveal to you the identity that I have given you! It is only because of MY grace! In the way that I spoke to the prophet Jeremiah, where I revealed to him how I saw him before he came into the world (cf. Jeremiah 1:4-5)!
This is a realm of spiritual conception!
You first conceive in the Spirit and then you begin to live it because you first position yourself according to the calling I have given you, says the LORD!
It is the orientation that helps you to align yourself properly according to the will of God!
As you begin to recognize your identity in the way I have given it to you, you will enter into a deeper quality of relationship and understanding of who you truly are in ME!
I did not first call you to be a prophet/prophetess, but I first ordained you to be a son/daughter! You are not only to be a son/daughter, but you are to be a son/daughter of MY face!
And as you connect with MY presence and recognize the light of MY face that emanates from ME and interacts with ‘4’, I will enlighten your spirit man (cf. Revelation 4:6-7)!
I am renewing your mind and spirit (cf. Ephesians 4:23)! And as you begin to understand the presence of MY face, look for the characteristics in those who reflect MY face (cf. John 14:9c)!
In the light in which you find yourself, look for the light that is present before you!
They are many, but they are one, says the LORD (cf. Luke 2:36)!
There is a conflict you are facing in your life where God wants to see if you are really serious about HIM!
Do you really want to see the face of God (cf. Genesis 32:24-25.30)?
If so, it is time for you to separate yourself – also in your family, which implements sanctification (cf. Genesis 32:22-24a i.c.w. Hebrews 12:14)! This apparent ‘loneliness’ serves to reveal to God your desire for more, so that HE reveals HIS face to you in a new way, says the spirit of the prophet!
When I have shown you MY face, you must look for the light that contains the many in the ONE! They carry the same character that you have just come into contact with!
What does that look like? Have you heard the word as it began?
What does it do to your spirit man? Is there a resonance within you or is it a rejection of WHO is speaking, says the Spirit of the LORD?
Hanna, as a prophetess, was not a ‘lone wolf’ on a wide trail! She was aware of which tribe alignment she belonged to! She knew which character she belonged to! That’s why the questions were asked!
God wants you to know who you are, to whom you are spiritually connected to and where you belong to!
There is a sphere of spiritual authority!
There is a sphere of spiritual identity!
There is a sphere of spiritual relationship!
There is a sphere of spiritual alignment!
This is not just about one tribe, but the tribes!
Nothing works alone! It all works together!
Look at the olive tree!
In what way is the revelatory truth about the trees concealed in the Word of God? How did they first appear?
It all starts with the ‘fig tree’ and then comes the ‘olive tree’!
It’s all about the leaves and the power to heal nations!
Stay close to the river, says the spirit of the prophet (cf. Revelation 22:2)!
Stay rooted to the river because I want to bring forth the treasures of the ancient times and the age to come! That which lies deeply hidden, I will bring to the surface, says the LORD (cf. Genesis 2:10-12)!
Move with the river! You must move with the Holy Spirit because without the Holy Spirit you are not able to understand your future! It’s all in your future! It’s deep in the ground!
It’s HIS ‘Yes!’ and ‘Amen!’ to what HE gave you before you came into this world, says the spirit of the prophet (cf. 2 Corinthians 1:20)!
I want you to possess it! But first I want you to grasp it in the spirit!
First the spirit and then you will taste and see that I am good, says the LORD (cf. Psalm 34:8)!
Your identity is the lifestyle in accordance with the will of God!
It is walking in the grace of God in order to walk in the fear of the LORD and HIS righteousness without allowing the darkness to get access (cf. Titus 2:11-14)!
Give ME your intimate time with ME, because I want to do something new!
Give ME your last seven years, all of your last seven years!
If you give them to ME, I will reveal the power of MY Word upon you!
I will come over your head and it will be a very heavy weight because it is a responsibility that I am about to give you if you remain faithful to ME!
Give ME your brokenness! Give ME your time of loss! I want all of that from you because the way I will communicate with you will open the door to that great hall! But what I need is the fruit of your faithfulness amid brokenness!
There is the way of MY communication that is concealed to you because it is being poured out on you from a higher realm of MY holiness! Where I encounter unity in the sonship of MY Son, there is an outpouring of fresh anointing, says the LORD!”
Amen and Amen.
In His Wisdom,
Daniel Glimm

“Where I find the ‘Teth’, I bring forth the new through My righteousness!
I AM sending healing that goes hand in hand with MY joy (cf. Malachi 4:2-3)!
I AM reforming the present structure into a new one of MY justice (cf. Jeremiah 18:1-6)!
There is the measure of the time of promise that I AM about to unroll!
I bring the fruit to birth! It is the new wine that flows into the new wineskins (cf. Mark 2:22)!
There is a battle for the voice of truth that unfolds within you and confronts the voice of the familiar!
Do not allow the voice of the ancestral spirits to manifest by false belief systems!
Be ready for the sudden light that appears amid the darkness (cf. Genesis 1:2-3; Isaiah 9:1 i.c.w. Matthew 4:16; John 8:12; 2 Peter 1:19)!
There where I see the structure of MY Spirit, I will reveal the power of MY hand to lead into a higher measure of the fear of the LORD!
I can deal with darkness and chaos because I reveal the power of MY peace, says the LORD (cf. Daniel 5:5-6 i.c.w. 1 Corinthians 14:33a)!
Prophesy God’s plans! Prophesy the promises of God so that light separates from darkness (cf. Genesis 1:3-5)! Amid of this, look out for the step in the middle of the spiral staircase! It is the night that prepares you for the day!
Be ready to receive the fresh blowing to jump from your natural status to the status of spiritual authority in maturity (cf. Genesis 2:7)!
As I have said in the past, do not be afraid of the communication of the serpent’s hissing, because it is about MY triumph and victory on the cross!

As part of the ecclesia, you are called upon to take the serpent by the tail, because it contains the double that comes with redemption and divine government (cf. Exodus 4:2-4 i.c.w. John 3:14)!”
Amen and Amen.
In His Wisdom,
Daniel Glimm

Dear Understanding Ones,
I am so grateful for your help in keeping this portal open and blessing us to move forward. As we gather to honor the Lord in our worship and seek His presence, we always listen for the voice of Holy Spirit. Here is a portion of the revelation that was released yesterday (19'th of January 2025) on coming up to a new place of vision and visitation.
“If you will seek Me in this time of seeking, I will cause you to come to a place that you have never been before to see what you are asking Me to see. I have a place for you where the atmosphere is pure enough for you to see and smell and taste Me in a way you have never tasted Me before. You are striving for the vision that I long for you to have, but I am raising you up to see. Seek Me while I can be found.
“I am marrying presentation with presence. You have done well and disciplined yourself to bring the presentation, but I’m about to come like a wind and surround you with the presence and people will say, ‘Who has come in the room with this person? What is in the atmosphere of this presentation that I am not expecting?’ Open your eyes – this is a new hour of dispensing the presence of the Lord, the presence of the angels, the presence of the cloud of witnesses. Open your eyes … I am marrying presentation with presence.” (Chuck Pierce, LeAnn Squier)
Chuck D. Pierce
GZI Ministries