PROPHESIED ON THE 23’rd/25’th OF AUGUST 2020 | 03’rd/05’th OF ELUL 5780, NAJOTH BERLIN – SPANDAU
“There is pain in the heel of the ‘woman’ because the enemy wants to stop the coming triumph of the bride of Christ on earth (cf. Genesis 3:15)! It is about those being called out, who walk the path with prophetic revelation in ordertablish God's plans on earth!
The adversary has set his sights on the way of the righteous, in order to blur the footprint of THE ONE who precedes them!
But the LORD says, no one may enter the holy way who goes ahead in impurity and in ignorance cf. Isaiah 35:8-9)!
While you are led by Me in faithfulness and steadfastness, I secure the beginning and the end to reveal My perfect plan (cf. Isaiah 52:12)!
Do not be afraid of the pain in the heel, because triumph over the adversary follows!
There is the window of time between the end of November and the middle of March, when the enemy wants to intimidate in order to stop those called out by the Lord!
It is the attack of the enemy who aims at the triumphant reserve of the people of God! This is because it is about the retaking of the spiritual ‘weapons’ that the people of God have lost on their way! These are ‘weapons’ that are not earthly, but have been designed to tear down false thoughts and proud attitudes that rise up against the knowledge of God (cf. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5)!
But the LORD will break through the resistance of darkness, so that those called out will enter into a new dimension of God's government, so that they will be familiar with the nature of God as King (cf. Exodus 15:18 i.c.w. Psalm 93:1; Psalm 99:1)!
There is the righteousness of God that brings forth divine joy, so that the battle with the Word of God is fought in strength, says the spirit of the prophet!
There is a gate opened, not a door, because there is a great dimension of the dominion of God and the implementation of His government on earth (cf. Revelation 4:1-2)! The result is that there is suddenly a ‘deepening’ within the called out, who come directly into contact with the presence of the Son of God acting from a higher level!
This ‘depth’ results in an increase and transmission of spiritual power in order to prophesy in the testimony of Jesus, so that the resistance falls (cf. Revelation 1:17-18 i.c.w. Revelation 19:10e)!
There is ‘the woman’ whom the LORD says I bring to honor (cf. Judges 4:9)!
I bring what seems small and low to the surface through the beautiful ‘small’ and bring the ‘great’ to the surface through the ‘small’!
Humility and perseverance are the keys to reach the true height (cf. 1 Peter 5:5b-6)!
Combat with revelatory truth and the spirit of prophecy and the Word of God by bringing down the ‘control center of darkness’ so that it can no longer fill day and night with fear (cf. 1 Samuel 17:16,40,49,51)!”
Amen and Amen.
In His Wisdom,
Daniel Glimm