The Fire and the Wall

PROPHESIED ON THE 11th/15th OF FEBRUARY 2021 | 30st OF SCHEBAT/03rd OF ADAR 5781

There is the presence of ‘fire’ in the midst of the place of government, which I use to show Myself great, says the Lord!
There is hypocrisy and falsehood, lulling themselves into false security in order to oppose Me!
I use their falsely fanned ignition that burns like a fire in order to show the power of My hand, which reveals the standard of My righteousness, says the LORD!
I weigh with the weight of My righteousness, so that division caused by corruption and injustice is exposed!
I prove Myself mighty in their stoked fire and hypocritical purity (cf. Daniel 5:5-6, 25-28 i.c.w. Matthew 23:27-28)!
I count! I weigh and bring a righteous result, says the LORD!
My people stand prepared and in readiness in their fire, so that the movement of My Spirit and the intervention of My hand becomes visible (cf. Daniel 3:19-25)!
I am already among them with My righteous judgment in the halls of their government without them knowing it!
Suddenly and unexpectedly the truth comes to light so that their own arrogance becomes a trap in the midst of an apparent ‘HIGH TIME’, says the LORD (cf. Romans 11:9)!
I have seen the perseverance of My people!
I have watched how they have held fast to the truth of My Word, and through the presence of My Son, I am leading them out of the wilderness time into green pastures (cf. John 10:9)!”
Amen and Amen.
In His Wisdom,
Daniel Glimm