Watch for the Invisible To Manifest!

Dear Watching Ones,

when we seek the LORD in a new way, we can perceive what has been hidden in the last season. In this time of the heavens pouring forth speech, the Spirit of God is saying, “What has been invisible is now going to come down, and you will feel the land shake. Watch as physical shakings start! What has been invisible is now being pushed down and taken away, or has come down and taken a stand! Either way, know the shaking has begun! Hear the announcement: you will see what has been invisible, and what has been hidden will now manifest. The generations aligning will cause a cadence that shakes the ground. Watch as generations come into a new alignment and old grounds begin to shake. Inheritances that have been hung up will now begin to manifest! Your promises that once were hidden will now break into sight.”


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory Of Zion International Ministries