The Higher Level of the Strength of God

There is the time when the power of God intervenes from a higher level into the earth realm!
It is about the seat of government of the Son of God, who sits at the right hand of God (cf. Isaiah 6:1 i.c.w. Colossians 3:1)!
People look up and want to flee spiritually, but there are the winds of the Lord that bring adjustment to the sight of believers (cf. Acts 1:10-11)!
The result is that they step out of an expectancy into the implementation of the power of God!
There is the higher realm of God's strength that comes with His measure, so that there is a movement of God's fire that sanctifies and brings boldness to prophesy the Word of God in power!
It is the sphere of God in the facet of ‘Adnonai’ who is active as a governor in accordance with the manifestation of His values of righteousness (cf. Isaiah 6:1b-7)!
There is the Spirit of strength, who comes running like a bull with power and pushing open the door with His ‘horns’ in order to bring to light what is hidden!
There are ‘fish’ that wriggle on the land and on which the hand of the LORD comes, so that they are put back into the realm of the Spirit in order to move in the depths of the Son of God! This results in wisdom and knowledge in the people of God (see Ephesians 3:8-10)!
It is divine knowledge that is drawn by wisdom from the hollow hand of God and stretches over the earth like a blanket, says the spirit of the prophet (cf. Isaiah 40:12a i.c.w. Colossians 2:2-3; Habakkuk 2:14)!
It is about the surface of the ‘water’ which points to the set measure of the fullness of God and which is the basis of the Spirit of God in order to reveal the depths of the Lord (cf. Genesis 1:2b)!
There is stubbornness of people in the nations, which is getting confronted by the spirit of prophecy!
This leads to the ears ‘ringing with an itch’ to remove the sound of false doctrine!
There is the righteousness of God that erects boundaries within the people of God to lead His people in the order of the Spirit opening a new realm and results in peace (cf. 1 Corinthians 14:33a)!
There is Behemoth and Leviathan, who are confronted by the power of the revelatory truth of the Word of God, so that the proud are bowed down and corruption in the world's financial system is judged by the verdict of God (cf. Job 40:15 i.c.w. Job 41:1.34)!”
Amen and Amen.
In His Wisdom,
Daniel Glimm