I Am Resetting Your Clock of Celebration!

Dear Celebration Seekers:

Wednesday's Getting Over the Hump and Taking Your Hill service was wonderful. During worship, Anne Tate came up and began to prophesy, "I know your comings and goings. Because I know the time when you are to come and the time when you're to go, I have released things into the enemy that will cause you to be able to hear him and know where he is. With the shift of Passover I caused the crocodile, Leviathan, to swallow a clock, and it will cause you to look into the place where he is hiding. You will know where he is approaching and it will cause you to look again so that he is exposed in what he is doing."

Then I heard the Spirit of God say, "The enemy will not able to hide from you in these days ahead, for I am creating a movement in his hiding place. You will know when he is moving. You will know how to be waiting on the enemy. No longer can the enemy hide in a hole, for I will show you and give you vision of My glory down deep in the earth. Because of My glory, you will see in the earth, and you will see every movement of the enemy.

Diana Lookabaugh continued, "Don't you hide. Don't you hide for you are My lights in the earth. I have it a light in you and don't put it under a bushel. Don't you hide. Overcome the evil and the lies with the truth."

Then Carol Boren shared a dream where she was going to a deep place. As she descended, a rat jumped up and startled her. In her dream she said, "I'm going to be ready the next time." She kept walking and when the next rat jumped up, she was ready and began to chase it. She had something like a spatula in her hand and was smacking it, but not killing it. The Lord directed her to turn it sideways, and when she did, she was able to slice off its head. She knew the Lord was saying that we have the necessary weapons to overcome and defeat the enemy, but we need to look and see how we are using those weapons.

Through our meeting, I heard the Lord saying,
 "You will understand the enemy's clock, and you won't have to fear the ambush in this season ahead. Let your light shine. Your light will dispel darkness. This isn't a season of putting your light under the bush. It is a season of you going. It is a season of you coming. The enemy will try to convince you of things. Go and defeat his thought processes. Go and come back with the report that defeats him. Don't listen to the voice that is creating fear within you, but go, and I will give you the report that will overcome him.

Because I'm moving and you're moving with Me, the enemy is attempting to stop you from moving forward. I will meet you on your way. I will meet you in the way that I'm telling you to go. Even some of those who have gone with you in the past are now speaking words that would try to keep you from moving into your future. So you keep going and I will give you the report. I will give you the authorization. I will give you the seal to get you through and past the enemy's voice.

The enemy is trying to make you think you are too lame to run the race and finish the course and finish certain projects you are assigned to. Or he is trying to convince you by a voice not to keep going. Do not listen! Do not listen! Instead, position yourself for confrontation. You are fearful that the enemy is going to ambush you. No! Today I am resetting clocks so the fear of the enemy's ambush will not occur."

Raymond Banks then shared a vision of how we were a train on a track, moving forward. We were approaching a mountain with a narrow tunnel to pass through it. Some were putting their feet outside the train to slow it down, saying, "I'm afraid of the dark. I don't know what I'm going into." Yet the Lord was saying, "Pick up your feet and get into the car, for I will take you through and into the new. I will take you into the light and into that which I have called you for this season. Actually, I am going to switch your train since too many of you want the train to stay flowing in a certain time frame in the daytime. Instead, I am putting you on a night train of rest. I am going to carry you to places in the night much further than you could get to in the day."

In the Body of Christ, many have struggled to know how to walk in the times and the seasons of God. However, as we begin to release our nighttimes to Him in this season and learn to walk in the Spirit with the Lord, He will begin to reorder how we move. We will have great effectiveness. We won't have to concentrate on the enemy, but we will know when the enemy has come to threaten us and will be able to cut him off.

I also shared a recent dream that I had where we were preparing for a huge gathering. This feast was going to be held in an incredible facility that was beyond a mountain. To get there, we would have to traverse the mountain. When I got packed and ready to go to the facility we were going to celebrate in, a messenger came to me and said, 
"Are you aware that there are so many rodents in that facility that the disease they carry could infiltrate the whole celebration?" I remember thinking that I was packed, ready to go and ready to celebrate . and yet a messenger was now saying there were rats everywhere. Immediately, the Spirit of God spoke to me in this dream and said, "Go ahead!"

I began to journey and people with me would stop along the way at other facilities, and not continue to the facility where the feast was to be held. The journey was rugged and the way was very narrow in places. Some kept going, but before long it was only me and my dog, Maggie, continuing to go forth to celebrate. (If you read One Thing by Pam and me, we have a chapter on Maggie and how she represents the spirit of adoption.) We made it to the facility and the facility was absolutely incredible. It was beautiful and had this incredible koi pond with fountains. Maggie stopped and said, "I must go deep to look into the water to see if the enemy is there." She dove down into the water surrounding the facility and came back up and said one word, "Proceed." She said the same word that God has said to me earlier. We went into the facility. It was lavish, and filled with gold. The minute we went in, everything in the facility began to celebrate because we were there.

When I woke up, my first thought was, 
"Where were the rats?" Contrary to the messenger's, report, they were not there. I heard the Lord saying, "The journey has been difficult. Many voices have tried to stop you from proceeding. The reward for you in this next season is great. Proceed into celebration. You need to celebrate the victory now over the things that you are praying about and that you are concerned about. Celebrate the victory now, and when you get into that place where you see what you have been praying for, the victory will manifest before you!

"You are shifting now into a place of celebration. From your celebrating, many will come into salvation. Many will be born, for the word is getting out that there are places of celebration in the earth. Proceed now and do not fear. For you will dance and sing and celebrate, and that which you are waiting and watching to be saved will be saved.

Today there is celebration in My people. I am resetting your clock of celebration. Proceed forth. Do not allow the enemy's voice to create a fear that says, 'You will not sing and dance in your new place.' Proceed forth for today your timing is being set. The celebration and salvation you have been looking for will now come. Those who know My adoption and who embrace My inheritance will celebrate in the glory."

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion Ministries