Restraint, Blockade, and Poisonous Bitterness-GO! England, the New Season is upon You!

I hear the Lord saying to us:

"In the midst of your warring and pressing forward, the enemy has tried to restrain your vision. He is subtly speaking to you that you cannot enter into all and accomplish your destiny in the future. I am going to allow you a glimpse of an acceleration of a new vision. The enemy has tried to stop you and you have moved in one way. He has moved you off of my track. He has created bars around you and is attempting to hold you captive.

But I have come to say to that named demonic force called Restraint! I am removing the influence of Restraints from you. I am telling Restraint how it must let go so you can begin to hear in new way. "You are to lift the bars now and let go this captive go! Restraint, no longer can you continue in your vision blocking force. No longer can you block the move of God in the future, you are now gone from this atmosphere!"

There is death in the pot! I have brought you to the beginning of the river to break the death out of the waters that will flow in days ahead. There is a new river that is rising! For you have had one refreshing move and felt the river flowing in one way, but debris has gotten into My waters and blocked the way for your future. But like a stick of dynamite, I am coming in to re-empower you, and I am blowing open that blockade that has been blocked up. A new river movement now begins. I say to that demon of Blockade, "You now must let go and go! Blockade, let go, and GO! For this river will be one that comes from a new spring. Don't try to go back to the spring that brought in the last river. Know that I am going deeper to bring forth a new spring in this place. Don't try to move in what flowed in one season, for you have seen nothing like the water that I am going to rise in your midst."

I Am cleansing the waters of the past and Poison Bitterness will no longer affect the flow of the river ahead. All poison bitterness that has produced words that has attached deep into the soul of My people, I say to you, 'Remove your fangs and LET GO!'

"You have seen a mission that has grown muddy. Now you will see the point of entry for the next release of My cleansing, healing water will come. Get ready and ask Me for the next healing movement. You have longed to see the outbreak, but now I will send in and release the healing waters that will now begin to flow. I Am forming the mantle for your future and I will recover you from the exposure of the past."

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion Ministries