Discerning Religious Spirits

From the desk of Daniel Glimm:

This teaching of Kathie Walters about the different demonic influences of the devil, is revealing the plans of hell in the Body of Christ.

Be aware of this spirits and protect yourself and your flock from these influences. This message is a little dictionary concerning the religious spirits and is enlightening our spiritual eyes. If you want to know more about it you can order books or cd`s from Kathie Walters.

Daniel Glimm
Holy Place Berlin
Najoth, the school of prophecy



The qulifying spirit makes people feel unqualified for receive all of their inheritance. The realm of the Spirit, the supernatural realm, the Angels, heavenly visitations, the chariots of God etc are meant to be a NORMAL part of the life of every Christian. Jesus already qualified us 100% when He died and rose again. There is nothing we can earn.


False Grace accepts grace for oneself and does not extend it to others. "The same measure you mete will be returned to you again." If you want to receive grace then you have to extend grace.


This influence makes people feel responsible for things and people they can do nothing about. Our responsibility is to offer what God gives us- that’s all.


This yoke yokes people to things instead of being yoked to Jesus, i.e, churches, fellowships, programs etc. " His yoke is easy and His burden is light and delightful. If you are yoked to Him you will be in the right place.


Bands bands people together as in FALSE BROTHERHOOD. True brotherhood comes first from above - out of a being yoked to Jesus.


"Good" works apart from the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Working FOR God instead of allowing Him to work through you.


False burdens are taking on burdens for things, places and people that the Holy Spirit is not really calling us to. Carrying something outside of the anointing. It is our responsibility to yield to the anointing- in prayer for example, when the Holy Spirit moves on you, you may weep over China, you may do some warfare over Africa, you may feel anointed to make declarations, speak scriptures or pray in tongues.

You may sing, you may shout, you may laugh. Holy Ghost laughter by the way is one of the most powerful warfare weapons there is. " God look on His enemies and laughs, and has them in derision." It is a victory that is taking place in the Spirit realm. Whatever happens, it lifts, as He is the true Intercessor and we partake of His intercession.


This influence is taking authority over people instead of taking authority over the things that come AGAINST the people.


False submission is submitting to people, instead of submitting to the voice of God. Putting other people (including leadership) above the direction and leading of the Holy Spirit. Leadership are to protect and help God’s people to learn to hear from God for themselves. Everyone is responsible to listen and obey the Lord and listen to the witness of the Spirit within them. The anointing is within you to teach you.


This influence is replacing the leadership of the Lord with leadership or headship of man. Jesus is the Head of the Body and He is the Head over every individual member. There is no "Chain of command."


Rebellion is submitting to man instead of submitting to the Holy Spirit. I once was praying for a young women who had served in a ministry for a number of years. As I was praying for her I suddenly spoke out " come out of her you spirit of rebellion." I was shocked that I had said that, as she was a very sweet serving kind of person.

She looked at me with wide eyes and said " But I have always tried to be so submissive." I know that was true, but these words sore up from within me "Yes but in your submission to men, you often disobeyed what the Lord was telling you to do." An understanding of things from God’s perspective dawned on her and she got delivered.


This spirit cuts people off that don’t agree with you. Encourages other people to "choose" sides.


This influence makes people submit to men rather than teaching people to hear from God for themselves and obeying Him.


This spirit comes in often where there has been a move of the spirit and aborts it through religious control.


Elitism opens the door for control and abortion and bunches of other religious spirits, Makes people feel they must have done something to earn God's approval. You can see the emphasis change in a church from Look what GOD is doing among us, to Look what God is DOING among us, to Look what God is doing among us.

STRIVING working at it instead of yielding to the Holy Spirit. He is a spirit of rest.


Self interested leaders who build their own kingdom. They use the sheep for their own kingdom.


People banded together horizontally instead of under the Headship of Jesus.


First loyalty is to the Holy Spirit. Not to a person or organization or denomination or church.

Kathie Walters