My life is filled with music. My family loves music. We go to plays, concerts, and musical performances. We attend jazz festivals and outdoor music gatherings. We watch musicals. All of my children are musical. For some, music seems to be their goal. Sound and music play a great part of our lives. The people I minister with are musical. If they are not gifted musicians, they are worshippers. In Heaven, worship and musical sound are one.
Here is an example of music, sound, and violent worship. The Lord said that "the Kingdom is filled with violence, and the violent take it by force." However, many of us cannot visualize what this looks like. FIRESONG: The Darkness is Turning is the best example I have seen of this statement.
Wherever I minister, music and sound set the stage for the release of God's will into the place I have been called. Last year, I had a team ministering in Paris. Key leaders and influencers from the city were with us. In my heart I had this desire arise to go through the city and sow joy. During our worship, I kept hearing the Holy Spirit saying 'The sound of joy is in you!' He kept saying this over and over again. Then He showed me that we, the people of God, must release the sound of joy!
No matter what our natural circumstances or situations dictate, and no matter what we feel physically, we have a sound of joy to release. We must employ the law of sowing and reaping, and sow from the joy in us which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. As we release the sound of joy from the earth, He releases His joy from Heaven based on Psalm 16:11, 'In His Presence, there is fullness of joy and at His right hand there are pleasures for evermore'. That joy becomes our strength to produce supernatural victory! I knew that I could find the sound in Heaven that would produce joy in the people of Paris as I ministered and visited the city.
Heaven is filled with sound because Heaven is filled with worship. When we enter the Throne Room and come boldly before the Lord, we have access to the same worship sounds of Heaven. We also have access to the same emotion of Heaven. Sound creates movement. Worship, sound, and music are important. Your conscience is like a window between your soul and spirit. Make sure nothing is clouding your conscience. Sound that leads you into movement and worship will cause your conscience to remain in alignment with God.
The conscience is one of the absolute authorities of our life. When our conscience is aligned and interacting with the Word of God, the "window" remains clean and open. The conscience is the lamp of the body. The conscience is the eye of our spirit that causes us to see into the heavenly realms. Clean and open your window and receive the sound of the Lord! Let the wind of the Spirit bring the sound that you need through the window of Heaven and into the place where you are standing.
"Weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning" (NASB). Unshakable praise must keep going forth in your life. Unshakable praise plows through the hardest ground. When the ground is hard, when the circumstances are adverse, God's favor is on the one who will praise. Fallow ground will break up. Declare the plow of praise will cut through the un-giving Earth and make a way for the good seed of the Word to be planted. The Word of God tells us to submit ourselves to God, draw near to Him and then resist the devil. I believe that as we worship and submit ourselves to a holy God, we can come into intimate contact with Him. Even though we walk here on the earth in our worshipful submission, we ascend into Heaven. As we individually seek God and ascend into the Throne Room, we can hear the sound of Heaven in our spirit man on Earth.
Recently in a worship service, LeAnn Squier, an amazing musician and psalmist, began to prophesy.
I began to hear and release revelation along with her. The Spirit of God began to speak to us the following: "I am creating a unique identity in My people. Even in searching for the sound of your sound, your identity is found in the unique sound within you. I am removing from you the noise of the world's confusion. This noise has made you something that I never intended you to become.
I am going to begin to pour such a pure stream of sound from Heaven around you that you will hear who you are to become. You won't sound like any other individual and the place on earth where I have positioned you will not sound like any other location. You are in My time, so you will not sound like another day, century, or decade. You will have a sound for now. You will have an identity that is unique and unmistakable. There are ten thousands of ten thousands of voices that are going to begin to join with your sound. This sound will be poured from Heaven, but then rise back from the earth.
I am tipping My golden chalice from My heavenly palace and disseminating and depositing thousands and thousands of songs and sounds in you, the sanctuary of your dwelling and the land around you. You will birth words that express and sounds that impart and deliver the voice of what I have done and what I am doing to the societal culture around you. This will not be a sound that has one local expression, but will be linked together with harmonies of others around the world. This sound will produce a joy in the lands of the earth.
There is a voice. The sound of My voice is going to come in an unmistakable clarity. Begin to look for the new expression. Begin to look for the new words. Begin to look for the new sounds that are going to accurately express the sound of this pouring out of this drink offering that I am delivering. I am giving assignments! Some will sing! Some will orchestrate! Some will create the movement of dance to the sound. You will bind the enemy in chains and break the back of principalities that are controlling and resisting the movement of My Spirit in the earth. I am re-ordering your day with sound and the music of Heaven. This day will not sound like nor look like any other day."
Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion Ministries