We are Being Prepared for One of the Greatest Reformations the World Has Ever Seen

Dear Warriors,

Happy New Year! Without a doubt, I am convinced that God has taken what the world and even the Church has labeled crisis, disaster and America's downfall, and is constructing one of the most powerful interventions yet. We often refer to Daniel as one of the exiles of Judah (which he was), but we completely ignore the fact that he became, in a very short period, one of the most influential people in the kingdom of Babylon.

He was appointed as the third most powerful ruler in Babylon, robed in purple and gold by the King himself. Sure, he was accused and thrown into the lion's den, but out of that disaster came the confession of King Darius that there is "NO OTHER GOD THAN THE GOD OF DANIEL."

Hello! Daniel prophesied over the kings of Babylon, refused their gifts and made sure that HIS GOD was glorified, whether through prayer, unfolding riddles, enigmas, interpreting dreams or simply emerging out of massive crisis unscathed. Why do we continue to see the evil, the bad, and not look for signs of God's handiwork?

We are being prepared for one of the greatest reformations the world has ever seen. My perspective is not a situational perspective, but an OCCUPATIONAL perspective. I'm looking to occupy, just like Daniel did, even though the odds were against him. ARE YOU?

Occupy! Rise to the Occasion!

Before you take the time to read the revelation that I have put together, take a moment to read Judges 9, about an unruly self-appointed king and a woman who stands up and takes matters into her own hands.

Over the years, leaders have been chosen simply because of a nation's need to regain its pride and strength, similar to Germany after the First World War. King Saul was chosen by the people to be a king and yet he proved to be a raging narcissist. He rose up against his own. So did Hitler and many others. The story of Abimelech ends sadly. After three years, he chases a large portion of the town in an attempt to kill them for rebelling against his rulership. He tries to kill them when they climb a tower in an attempt to escape the enraged king.

Abimelech uses a strange method to get rid of these people who have rebelled against his leadership. He starts a fire to burn the tower and the people. HOWEVER, a woman pushes a rock off the top of the tower and it strikes Abimelech's head and kills him. This is also an interesting shadow and type of Mary bringing forth Christ the Rock to destroy the serpent who came into the Garden to destroy God's creation.

God is Planning to Honor Women this Year

Recently God has spoken through me about women being raised up to be His voice, and specifically a woman that would rise up and lead this nation, the United States of America, as president. (For full transcript of this prophecy, go to kimclement.com and search The Vault for October 30, 2010 – Detroit, MI)

There is no doubt that God is planning to honor women in this next year. Women are being abused, beaten, raped and degraded in a manner that is undoubtedly misrepresentative of God's original plan. In today's society, women are horribly misrepresented by a perverse spirit that is raging in the world. Middle Eastern women are abused in a different way than women in the West, hidden and forced to cover their beauty; and even with this submissive adornment, they are beaten down and mortified. Women in the West, on the other hand, have the freedom to dress as they wish and live independently with opportunities and careers.

No matter the side of the world, the attack is vicious, intense and against what God intended for the beauty of a woman to be: not just an outer display of flesh, but the inner grace and strength that emanates His reflection from within. Beauty is but skin deep, and yet it seems that arrogant men would ignore these inner virtues, while preferring to be caught in the ancient vice of believing that they are lords of depravity.

It took a few brave, virtuous women in history to teach men a lesson. Rising to the occasion and showing the world that in the absence of male leadership, moral strength and character, women would step into a role that they preferred not to. Ruth, Esther, Deborah, just to name a few Biblical figures, not forgetting the many female heroes throughout history that stood up, and some who even led armies. I sense that we are about to see this again. Adam stood next to Eve, while the serpent deceived her, and he did not stop her, but took the fruit from her. It is not the role of the woman to stand alone. She is to be loved by a man in the true sense of the word, and man is to be honored by the woman.

Our Children are the Future

Today we are seeing before our very eyes the destruction of families, not only in the world, but also in the Church. I am not speaking out of condemnation, however, if the Christians don't raise the standard and display faithfulness to the covenant of marriage, all is lost. We speak of revivals and pray for revival in the Church, but what we need is revival in the family. It all begins there. I don't care how great or anointed a man may be, if he neglects to protect and love his family, he is worse than an infidel. Thank God for the men and women who have stood together in their trials without forsaking their covenant. They deserve to be honored. What is more important than anything is the future, and our children are the future.

Deuteronomy 5:9 "I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me."

There was a time when I found this appalling, why would God punish my grandson for my sins? It seemed so outrageously un-American. If you interpret this as a threat, then it is appalling, but this is not a threat. You have to see the passage as a warning of the effect your moral failings will have on your children, and their children, and so on. If you beat your son, he'll be more likely to beat or abuse his own son. What better deterrent to bad behavior could there be? Bad behavior will reverberate through the generations. All of humanity continues to pay for the choice Adam and Eve made to eat the fruit of knowledge.

We Need a More Interconnected Worldview – to Break the Curses and Increase the Blessings

The force that is controlling our society is "extreme individualism." Many years ago, I broke the curse and moved away from extreme individualism. It is important that you understand that I am, without a doubt, an individualist. It would be unnatural and undesirable not to be oneself; in fact, it is one of the single most powerful genetic imperatives. We are predisposed to keeping ourselves alive, and moving from biological to philosophical grounds, there are even more satisfying justifications for love of self.

The evil of extreme individualism is born when your sense of community, your love for others, disappears. In an act of supreme ignorance, precisely, this has become a prevalent and well-respected ideology in modern society. There are religious, political, and economic groups who have callously taken up the mantle of extreme individualism, and even worse, are the direct effect on the behavior of individuals. These effects can be seen everywhere.

People kill each other every day to acquire material objects, to advance themselves and to advance their own ideas. Essentially, these actions lead to the suppression of others' ideas, taking away the freedom of others, in an attempt to preserve their own freedom or to feed the need to squash out any idea that didn't come from them. People steal, cheat, lie, rape, torture, humiliate and destroy for similar reasons. All of these actions severely dampen the individual ability to live comfortably and without fear, and this is all rooted in extreme individualism.

My worldview is more interconnected, more tribal now. Perhaps I can explain what happened via a quick Biblical story. In Genesis 12, Abraham traveled to Egypt with his beautiful wife, Sarah. They were trying to escape the famine, and Sarah was so stunning that Abraham feared the Egyptians would kill him and steal her for themselves. So Abraham lied and told them that Sarah was his sister. He took this deceit so far that the Pharaoh married her, believing she was an unmarried woman. When he found out that he had been deceived, he was furious and expelled Abraham from the land.

Abraham and Sarah eventually conceived a son named Isaac. When he was grown, Isaac and his wife, Rebecca, moved to the land of the Philistines to avoid the famine. Isaac ended up making the same mistake that his father made, pretending that his wife was his sister, out of fear that the Philistines would kill him and steal her for themselves. This is a major recurring theme in the Bible: Children mimic their parent's behavior, even the flaws. What do our kids do that we do? They are re-enacting the good and the bad, the curse and the blessing, and we are responsible to break the curses and increase the blessings.

I want to become an ancestor that my descendants can be proud of. I never want to abandon my present purpose and election, simply because I don't want to lose the greatest gift that God can offer to me in this life – fulfillment. Today I pray for fulfillment for all of you, my dear warriors and friends. Believing for nothing less, and nothing short of all that God has for us. Let's run in 2011. No time for sitting and moping. GOD'S PLAN IS FOR US TO OCCUPY, AND OCCUPY WE WILL!

Now take time to sow an offering in the face of your enemy and with this offering make the statement, "I sow this offering with great anticipation that 2011 will be my year of increase."

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions