I Am Unbuttoning Your Mouth! Unusual Flood to go through Rome!

"I'm unbuttoning your mouth. You mouth has been buttoned and many of you have been zipped up. This is an hour of unzipping. If you will speak to that which is blocking your progress, I will unblock the way for you. Speak and watch the waters begin to flow. Speak and watch your finances begin to grow. Speak and watch things that you didn't know begin to come into you so you will know. Unzip and speak forth!"

"There will be an unusual flood that goes through Rome. When you see this flood know that I am cleansing the Church from its straying way. When Rome floods I will wash My people in a new way and they will rise up out of their legalistic shift that they too many years ago. They will come into a new power as first. When the flood comes through Rome, Antiochs all over the earth will rise again. I have shaken the mindset of the last seasons. Greece is a picture of the shaking. But now Rome and its accumulation will begin to be cleansed. As Rome is cleansed you will see a healing sweep throughout the Catholic people. That wineskin that has captured generation after generation will no longer be able to hold its captives."

"There is an uprising and a retaking of Bethlehem. So watch carefully for I am going to re-order where the glory first came. The glory will come again and push out that which has tried to crowd Me out."

"Man's elections will not satisfy My heart this season. I will rearrange the leadership of nations. I will cause nations to submit in new ways. You can look from man's eyes, but watch Me for I will promote some and put others down. So obey and vote your conscience and then watch My hand order the future of this land."


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion Ministries