A Worshipping-Warring Army is NOW Arising!

Dear Seekers,

Something truly amazing occurred here on Sunday. The Spirit of God was saying,

"I am establishing Zion today so that you will rule in a way that you never were able to stand and rule in the last season. I will have a joyful House of Prayer. Joy that has been captured will now be released, for you have come up into a place where joy dwells. You will ask a thing and I will accomplish it. You will decree a thing and I will cause it to happen. Come up! Where you were afraid to ask, you will now ask again. Your straits are opening up. What has been strait and too narrow-- now will open up. The straits that have been warred over now are opening up. Your war is becoming one with Me. Your victory is at hand. You are winning the war today for thrones to shift in the earth."
We could sense that something historic had come down and was sent out through the airwaves. A defining, decisive moment had come into our pathway. Where we thought we were captured, we will be free. The nation of America has shifted and has come back into a place where we could come to Hebron again. The path to the beginning of our next victory that will establish the next 7 years has opened up. Nations have realigned. Iran will bow its knee. Babylon will give up.

Prophetic word from Sunday, the 15`th of January 2012

A Worshipping Intimate Army is Now Arising! (by Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, and Keith Pierce)

"The rising of the ecclesia, the worshipping army, in this season will be dramatic in many ways. There is an escalation of time. There is a speeding up of time. There is an increase of momentum. That which I am doing, I will increase in its haste. I am hastening the process. I am turning up the temperature. I am coming with Holy Fire. The fires of My presence will burn with greater heat. I will burn through obstacles. I will burn through strongholds in your lives.

"I will even burn through strongholds in lives of those who do not know Me. I will show them that in their sin I am preparing them for a throne. I will place things in their hearts. I will cause destinies to come alive in them that they did not know they had. I will purify the impure. I will break off of them structures that have been put in them from birth. I will bring them to places. I will do this quickly. I will bring them to places where they will begin to see by the Spirit. They will write. They will perform with the same creativity they had in the world system. However, NOW, they will do their work for Me with great excellence. I will invade the mountains of societies in this season with a new intensity.

"You have cried out for the transference of My wealth. My wealth is secure. If you will come up and worship, you will see where the enemy has hidden wealth that I am longing to unlock. You'll see where the enemies have containers hidden in the bushes and underground. Come up. Come up to this place of Hebron and from there I will promote you and transfer to you. There are new supply pools, four pools, that I will take you through this year if you will come up, and I will transfer to you what needs to be transferred.

"I have come this day to deal with the mentality of one more night with the frogs. I will cast down that mentality of slavery that says you have to sit in your stupor and last season one more night. If you will let go of one more night with the frogs, you will see Egypt give up its wealth for your journey tomorrow. In the release, you will see the Red Sea part for you. You will see Me deal with the chariots of Pharaoh that have hounded you for the last three years.

"Today is the day I am saying: 'You have descended, to ascend!' In your hard, low place, take the keys from the enemy that you have walked with, entertained, and contended with and come up to Me. Come up. Come up to the high place with Me and you will see where I have seated you this hour. Today is a day that the times have changed. Today is a day that the tide has turned. Today is a day that yes, I am transferring My wealth, but the mighty riches and wealth that I am placing in your left hand is for the souls that I am bringing in on the right hand. Today ascend, arise and come up and be seated with Me, that you may receive the authority to descend again and stand in the high place to release the captive wealth that has been ruled. If you come up, you will see the next 7 years will be 7 years of increase. The next 7 years will even carry over to 10. At the end of 10, all of those who have come up in Hebron will see the church become one..the priestly and kingly together, will become one and they will sustain My Kingdom when the world structures fall.

"Your promotion is coming in place, even as David was promoted. You're coming past the shame of your mistakes in the past. Your promotion is coming in place. In this season, the battles will increase but victories will come more easily. The warfare will intensify, but victories will come more easily. The enemy is going to rise up in this hour with great intensity because he is very angry and very alarmed with what he sees is happening. But even though he comes with great intensity, the battles will be easier and easier to win because we are fighting them from a high place of understanding and revelation. Do not be intimidated at the enemy who will rise up against you.

"The sounds of heaven are coming to earth. Listen to the voice. The next war is being positioned even for this land. I am putting on your next mantle for increase and break through. One thing that was taken from you one season will come back in your path in a new way. Get ready. A new anointing is shifting you into place to receive and to see in a way you've not seen before!" Know that:

There is a sound that is creating the narrow place causing the narrow place to open up.
There is a sound that is going into the Middle East that is addressing spiritual forces that are holding back God's plan of covenant advancement.
There is a sound penetrating China right now that is saying, "A new silk road of trade is being developed."
There is a sound that is causing your path to be aligned in a new way.
There is a sound that is causing you to come from behind, to overtake that debt structure that tried to overtake you in that last season.
There is a sound that is rearranging the kingly structures of the earth. The kingly structures of the earth are now being rearranged.
There is a sound in ZION! Zion is being established this hour in the earth. God will order the voice out of Zion that will shift the course of nations.

LeAnn Squier, John Dickson, and James Vincent, along with the musicians led by Chad Foxworth, entered into an incredible prophetic window!

The song of the Lord came forth:

Every tribe, every tongue, every nation are joining in the songs of Zion.
It's a love song.
It's a war song.
It's a song of dominion.
It's a song of thrones being overthrown.
Holy is the Lamb!

Behold the one who stands upon the mountain.
Behold the one who stands with healing in His hands.
Behold the one who stands upon the mountain, crowned in royalty; He is your king.
The mountain is under His feet.
Holy is the Lamb!


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion Ministries